Introducing ZEEKR’s New LFP EV Batteries that Support Ultra-fast Charging and High Energy Density
ZEEKR unveils EV battery cell and pack technologies developed by in-house engineering team The new LFP battery...
ZEEKR unveils EV battery cell and pack technologies developed by in-house engineering team The new LFP battery...
Первая модель ZEEKR в рамках дизайнерского языка Hidden Energy Усовершенствованная электросистема 800В...
The first ZEEKR model under the Hidden Energy design language Enhanced 800V electrical system brings rapid power...
ZEEKR has opened its first luxury showroom in Europe – the ZEEKR Center in Stockholm – in the city’s fashionable...
Автокомпания ZEEKR объявила, что за 40 дней после дебюта на автосалоне в Гуанчжоу получила более 51 569 заказов...
Production-ready 001 FR is faster, more powerful than initially planned 1,300 PS, 0-100km/h in 2.02 seconds in a...
2023 October 26, Hong Kong, China. Responding to growing customer demand for premium electric Right-Hand Drive...
2023 September 29, Shanghai, China. Geely Holding Group’s electric mobility technology brand ZEEKR signed...
Hyper performance in an EV with seating for five Enhanced 800V electrical system Quad silicon carbide e-motors...
2023 August 7, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Responding to growing customer demand in Central Asia, Geely Holding Group’s...